When walking along the coast, we generally pay no attention to the land beneath our feet. A new book, “Berwickshire Coast Rocks!” invites us to visit the alien landscape which has been lying quietly underfoot for millions of years and is just waiting for us to investigate during our walks
Exploring our local coastline takes us into the third dimension with this new book. Easy to understand and with more than 300 full colour photographs and drawings, it breaks new ground in a field which until now has been largely the preserve of the experts.
Designed to fit comfortably in the pocket, the book takes you along 16 coastal walks between Cove Harbour in Berwickshire and Cocklawburn Beach in Northumberland with each geological feature pictured and explained as you go along. There are pages which explain the major topics in more detail and these are referenced in green throughout the text.
The book will form the basis for a programme of exhibitions and walks led by geologist Dr Ian Kille this spring and Summer.
Published by charity “A Heart of Duns” with the financial backing of Heritage Lottery Fund. All profits from sales of the book go towards the cost of buying and refurbishing the Volunteer Hall to create a community facility for the people of Duns
Copies cost £10 from Grieves bookshop, Church Street, Berwick, Nairns, Market Square, Duns or from St Abbs Post Office. Also on-line from www.aheartforduns.org (£11.50 inc. p&p)