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Blog: Book review

Book Review: Holy Island - A Visitor's Guide

Book Review: Holy Island - A Visitor's Guide

· By Catherine Gray

You’re spoilt for choice if you’re looking for a book on Holy Island. A quick trawl of the internet brings up books on its history, religious significance and wildlife. However, there doesn’t seem to be a catch-all book - one that binds everything together.

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Berwickshire Coast Rocks!

Berwickshire Coast Rocks!

· By Catherine Gray

When walking along the coast, we generally pay no attention to the land beneath our feet. A new book, “Berwickshire Coast Rocks!” invites us to visit the alien landscape which has been lying quietly underfoot for millions of years and is just waiting for us to investigate during our walks

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Book Review - The Birds of Holy Island

Book Review - The Birds of Holy Island

· By Iain Robson

A review of The Birds of Holy Island & Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve by Ian Kerr

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