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  • What advice can I get on development proposals in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty?
  • Is there any money, or any grants available to do conservation works, plant trees or hedges, or clear ponds on my land?
  • I'd like to volunteer to do some work in the countryside. How do I get involved?
  • What can I do to stop a development proposal in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty?
  • Where can I find more information on Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty?
  • How many Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are there in England and Wales?
  • Can I take my dog on the beach?
  • Can I walk the Northumberland Coast Path from north to south?
  • When is it safe to cross over to Holy Island?  


How do I get an area of land, I care about, designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty?

Natural England (NE) is responsible for formally designating AONBs and advising on policies for their protection. They act as national “watchdogs” over AONBs, to ensure that they are successfully conserved and enhanced.

For information about AONB designation process in England please contact






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