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New Birdwatching Guide

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Tom Cadwallender, author of the new guide Photo: Iain Robson

A new bird watching guide for the Northumberland coast has been officially unveiled


The new guide entitled ‘Birdwatching on the Northumberland Coast’ provides a wealth of information about where to go to watch birds on the coast throughout the year.

The 72 page guide breaks the coast, from Druridge Bay to the Scottish Border, into bite-sized pieces. Each section includes a map and describes the habitats of the area; it goes on to suggest a strategy for making the most of a visit in any season.

There is also a photographic-guide to help visitors identify the birds they might see on a trip to the Farne Islands and a complete the checklist of bird seen on the coast.

The new book replaces a much smaller bird watching guide that we first published in 2003. Tom Cadwallender, who used to work for the AONB Partnership wrote that first book so we asked him to write the new guide.

Although the Northumberland coast itself has changed little since he wrote the first guide book, the range of species and the likelihood of seeing some species has changed over the years. For instance, the Little Egret is now commonly seen in many areas during the summer months, in 2002 it was an incredibly noteworthy species. Conversely, the Corn Bunting, once a common breeding species on the coast has disappeared altogether.

The new guide book was launched at the Bailiffgate Museum on Wednesday evening as part of their WILD exhibition and is available from Tourist Information Centres, local bookshops and soon from our online shop.

Iain Robson

Iain is the Access and Natural Environment Officer for the AONB Partnership and commissioned the new guidebook.


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Front cover of the new guide