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Registration opens for Annual Forum

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Registration is now open for the Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership’s 2017 Annual Forum on Friday 29th September at Bamburgh Pavilion.  

Speakers include Mark Eaton, who is a Principal Conservation Scientist with RSPB and will be putting the ‘State of Nature Report’ into a local context. The report, published in September last year, has been compiled by 50 wildlife organisations and is a stock take of our native wildlife. We are also delighted to welcome Tim Morton, who is the Co-ordinator for the new Coast Care initiative on the Northumberland coast. He will be bringing us up to date with their work.   

Other speakers are Helen Griffiths. She has worked on the Peregrini Lindisfarne Project and as it draws to a close at the end of this year, Helen will tell us about the work that has been carried out and its impending legacy. We also hear from speakers and performers about Wilson’s Tales, one of the projects we supported through our Sustainable Development Fund. Jessica Turner will give a lively talk on the recent archaeological dig at the Heugh on Holy Island, which revealed the possible siting of St Aidan’s first church.

We are also pleased to introduce Phil Dyke, a coast and marine advisor from the National Trust, who will look back at the Enterprise Neptune Campaign, which allowed them to buy 574 miles of coastline. Phil will look at how that has shaped the lessons for coastal management in the past, present and future.    

Cllr Jeff Watson, Chair of the AONB Partnership said “ I am delighted to be more involved in the Annual Forum this year, having only recently taken up the reins as Chairman. We have a tremendous range of speakers which is sure to provide an entertaining and thought provoking day. It’s a marvellous opportunity for those interested in the Northumberland coast to come together and contribute to the work of the Partnership”.

Lunch as well as mid-morning and afternoon refreshments will be provided.  Places cost £10 to cover our costs and are limited, so registration is essential.

To book your place visit our Eventbrite page or access it via the AONB Partnership’s Facebook page. For more information about the event contact the AONB Partnership on 01670 620306