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Registration opens for Celebration Concert and Annual Forum

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Registration is now open for the Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership’s 2018 Celebration Concert and Annual Forum on Thursday 11 October 2018 at Ellingham Hall.

This year, to celebrate sixty years of their designation, the Partnership are hosting a concert - following on from the Forum - which will feature song, music and drama celebrating the cultural heritage of the Northumberland Coast. There will be an award ceremony and prize giving for the Written Word competition winners and a performance of the winning entries.

Cllr Jeff Watson, Chair of the AONB Partnership said “Sixty years is a significant milestone and we have marked the occasion over the year with several events. The concert will bring it all to a close and allow us to celebrate the extraordinary amount of talent we have within the AONB”.

The Annual Forum will provide an opportunity to reflect on how the AONB came into being and how it can be looked after for future generations. As well as an excellent range of speakers and presentation throughout the afternoon, there will also be the chance to network with others who have a similar interest in conservation.  

We are delighted to welcome Robyn Brown, who is Assistant Director Operations with the National Trust, as one of our speakers. She will be talking about the work of the organisation on the Northumberland Coast. We also have a local resident, Jen Hall, giving us an insight into the preparation of a neighbourhood plan.   

This year, there is no cost to attend either event. However, as afternoon tea will be provided between the Forum and Concert, registration to either or both events is essential.

To book your place visit our Eventbrite page: or access it via the AONB Partnership’s Facebook page. For more information about the event contact the AONB Partnership on 01670 620306