Management Plan
Northumberland County Council has a statutory duty to publish a Management Plan that informs policy for the Northumberland Coast National Landscape

Northumberland County Council has a statutory duty to publish a Management Plan that informs policy for the Northumberland Coast National Landscape
Section 89 of the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000 states the duty to produce a plan giving policies for the management of the area, which also falls on the local authority for the area covered by the designation. Although the plan is specifically for Northumberland County Council to set out its policies and how it will carry out its functions, this document also helps other public bodies to fulfil their obligations by setting out what could harm the National Landscape’s special qualities. More widely, it is of interest and value to any organisation whose work is within, or could affect, the Northumberland Coast National Landscape.
The 2020-24 Management Plan can be downloaded below.
A new Management Plan is currently being drawn up for 2025.
The Conservation Team is a volunteer initiative carrying out vital tasks.
Find out moreDiscover the traditional villages and lively harbours in the Northumberland Coast National Landscape.
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